Video: Short Sale Or Foreclosure, Which is Better?

On , in Stop Foreclosure, by Foreclosure Assistance

In another article about short sales, we pointed out the differences between a Short Sale and a Foreclosure auction using a simple PDF print-out.  However, for those of you who want a video explanation, here it is: httpv:// The Video was funded by the National Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) Association–the lead certification level granted […]

In another article about short sales, we pointed out the differences between a Short Sale and a Foreclosure auction using a simple PDF print-out.  However, for those of you who want a video explanation, here it is:


The Video was funded by the National Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) Association–the lead certification level granted Real Estate Agents who assist America’s “Distressed Homeowners”.  It applies to Louisville Short Sales as well as short sales nationwide.

No matter who your lender is, what your timeframe may look like, the property condition, or the amount you owe, before you give up hope and let it go to auction, consider a short sale first.  We can help!

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