What is the Foreclosure Timeline and Process?

On , in Kentucky Foreclosure Law, by Foreclosure Assistance

Here is an excellent Timeline showing what the typical Foreclosure Timeline/Process looks like in Louisville, Kentucky.  In Jefferson County, there are so many foreclosures that the timeline is usually much longer.  however, this gives you a really good idea of what will take place. Take special note of the time-frame in which you can resolve […]

Here is an excellent Timeline showing what the typical Foreclosure Timeline/Process looks like in Louisville, Kentucky.  In Jefferson County, there are so many foreclosures that the timeline is usually much longer.  however, this gives you a really good idea of what will take place.

Take special note of the time-frame in which you can resolve the situation before the foreclosure auction takes place at the end.  Short Sales and Loan modifications are possible all along the way.


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